Battle Stress and Win with Exercise in Your Corner!

In the spirit and thought of some meaningful conversations I have had with my clients this week, I would like to share some thoughts on stress and exercise. In our weeks filled with those "good stressors" that provoke us to move forward towards our goals, there are those moments when stress can have us move backwards. One of the steps in reaching your goals is having the knowledge or understanding of how to get there. Another step, and probably one of the most important  is then taking action towards your goals with that knowledge.

The best partner to have in your corner with your battle against stress is exercise.  How you react and choose to deal with stress can make the difference in you reaching your fitness goals. Breaking the pattern that stress can create on your body is important in ensuring you steer clear of chronic stress. Chronic stress can have harmful and negative effects on your mind and body.  The key is in how you respond. By making the choice to choose active coping with exercise, it can control the emotional and physical feelings of stress.

We all know that movement does the body good, but you find yourself too stressed with your everyday life to fit it in. By taking the time to schedule your exercise on a weekly basis not only will you assist with relieving stress, but also in achieving an overall sense of wellness in your life.

Some stress busting benefits of exercise are:

1)     Movement Meditation- When you start moving and focusing on something else you immediately start shedding the thoughts and worries of your day. Exercise can relax the tension in your muscles signaling to the brain that it can relax too.

2)     Pumps those FEEL good ENDORPHINES: When you exercise you increase production of neurotransmitters in the brain known as endorphins.  This gives you a sense of focus and energy.

3)     Combat cravings for carbohydrates and fats- After a stressful event the body often craves simple carbohydrates and fat. Our typical response after a stressful event or day is to want to take a break. The difference is in how you choose to take that break. Do you take the break in comfort foods like sugars, quick fats and alcohol? Exercise provides a substitution. It can replace the craving that is self-defeating for your overall wellness and free you up to continue towards you ideal self.

Quick Stress Relieving Ideas: Try some speed ladder drills, a quick walk around the block, a few minutes with a jump rope, a set of jumping jacks, some flights of stairs.

Snap your mind out of the stress cycle; join a health club that offers a variety of group classes to keep it fun and interesting. Hire a personal trainer and wellness coach. Money is a strong motivator to keep you on schedule and create healthy habits.  When you work with a Private Trainer that is also a Wellness Coach you partner together to come up with effective ways to accomplish your weekly goals.

When you exercise as a response to stress in your life it is your winning partner to your psychology and wellbeing. First, you initiated it and second it is predictable. With this, you get a sense of belief and self-confidence in your ability to manage stress. You can choose to react by having exercise in your corner and win the battle against stress and the negative effects it can have on your life.

What is the next action you need to take?


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