Tough but Not Tougher than You! Embracing Hill Sprints!

Every time I call it out to the team, we have Hill Sprints today! There is a moment of groans. Then, the challenge begins. We have this sort of Love, Hate relationship with hills. Hill sprints have to be one of, if not the most challenging facets to physical conditioning and training there is. Many avoid them or neglect to do them because they hurt. I for one, seemed to always not be able to make it to track practice on the days we were on the steepest hills, I still to this day say by chance, wink, wink :) !  A simple hypothesis really. The love comes at the finish and at the view from the top. It is the "tough" I that makes it so great. At the end of the day, they are tough but, not tougher than us! Here are some more reasons to  EMBRACE Hill Sprints courtesy of The 80 Day Challenge: 

I think I would be hard pressed to find a form of training that is more effective at drastically improving body composition and better at torching fat than hill sprints. Pretty much every muscle in the body is called upon to power you up that hill (none more so than the big muscles in your hips, legs and gluts.) The power, strength and speed required to get you up that incline triggers a release of lactic acid into the muscles which in-turn brings HGH (amongst others) into play, a mighty fat burning hormone.

In addition the high intensity of hill work also brings EPOC (excess post oxygen consumption) to the table. This is the effect that will keep your metabolism running high for a sustained period (up to 24-48 hours after the work is done). Often referred to as the "after burn" effect. Those beautiful glowing faces we have at the end of our Tread & Shred classes is an indication our fire will keep burning on in to the day and night!Some hill sprints in conjunction with solid nutrition, aerobic fitness and regular strength training and the lean you will be here in no time.Cardiovascular Efficiency 

There is little explanation needed really. Running is generally a cardiovascular tool. So try running, then try running up a hill. Your heart and lungs will be in overdrive. In keeping with the simplicity of the previous point, Hill work will create an enormous demand on your energy systems (both aerobically and anaerobically). The more you do the more efficient you body will become at converting and utilizing its fuel.
Safety first
On the hill you can't reach maximum speed because tiredness and gravity are holding you back. This in collaboration with a forward leaning posture and focus on good form keeps you on the safer side.  Not only does hitting the hill protect your muscles, but it will save your joints too. The hill sprinting technique also gives us less opportunity to lift our feet as high off the ground and so saves on the pounding that flat sprints promote.
Overuse? Not an issue
Because of the high intensity that hill sprints provide, you can usually only perform a handful before you are toast (unless you are those special few). Your muscles are required to work super hard but the briefness of the workout means that the overuse (and therefore, injuries) that both muscles and joints get in longer workouts such as road running, etc., don't occur here. You are still using your cardiovascular system to the max too, so getting the fitness aspect as well as the strength and speed is a great positive.
Fits just right
The following example was one I read online (source; and it just seemed like a simple and effective way to translate this.
If you try and throw a bowling ball as far as you can it won't go very far because the mass/force is simply too great.

If you try and throw a wiffle ball as far as you can it won't go very far because the mass/velocity is simply too minimal.However a baseball offers the perfect mixture of both force and velocity and therefore travels far.Hill sprints offer the same advantages. They provide an effective bridging platform between strength and speed. Easy-peasy.

Let's get sprinting up those hills! Give it a try...

Below is a sample program from one of our Treadmill classes. I prefer the hills outside for the viewIf you would like to attend one of our Treadmill Classes or join our Run Club to bring it outdoors, message us today! 

Hill Sprints


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